Courses Archive
Spring 2025
ANTH 2450 | Language and Environment
TR 2:00-2:50 + obligatory discussion section
Nathan Wendte
In this course, students rethink assumptions about what "language" and "environment" are. Both depend on living systems to be rendered meaningful, and together we will wrestle with how these two ideas can be brought into relation and the implications associated with different frames of understanding. There are many perspectives on the issues raised in this course, and you will receive a broad introduction to that diversity. Fulfills an elective for the Linguistics BA
MESA/ANTH 2470 | Reflections of Exile: Jewish Languages and Their Communities
TR 11:00-12:15pm
Dan Lefkowitz
PAV VIII - Room 108
This course introduces students to the study of language-and-culture by looking at the unique histories, structures, and literatures of Jewish languages. We will focus on Yiddish, Ladino, Judeo Arabic, and Hebrew, seeing how they emerge and evolve to constitute Jewish community across dramatically varied places and times. We will look at a language as manifested in spoken dialects, literatures, films, and musical genres (including hip hop). No prior knowledge of these languages is required, nor is any prior background in Linguistics, Anthropology, or Jewish Studies assumed. Fulfills an elective for the Linguistics BA
ANTH 2541| Topics in Linguistics: French Creole Language Structures
TR 9:30-10:45
Nathan Wendte
In this course, we will be looking at a subset of creole languages—those whose vocabularies derive primarily from French—and examining their similarities and differences in terms of phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicon. In doing so, we will also touch on the unique historical circumstances that gave rise to each of these French creoles and what their use is like today. There will be a special emphasis on Louisiana Creole. You will also get a taste of some of the controversies that surround the study of creole languages. This course will give you a broad overview of French creole-speaking societies and enable you to describe language structures common to French creoles. Familiarity with French, though not required, will be useful. Structure Requirement for Linguistics BA
ANTH 4420/7420 | Theories of Language
R 3:30-4:45
Mark Sicoli
There is more involved in “learning a language” than acquiring knowledge of its grammatical structures; one also becomes an appropriate and skillful user of language as one is socialized, through communicative encounters with others, into becoming a competent member of a speech community. This course explores the topic of language socialization to reveal how language use at every level—from sound patterns to lexical choices to conversational routines—can contribute to learners’ understandings of what speech is and how it functions. At the same time, socializing encounters shape learners’ understandings of who they are and how they should act or feel, thereby serving as a locus for the transmission of culture. Readings will be drawn from diverse settings and regions of the world. Special attention will be given to language shift and other situations of social change and disjuncture. Course work will involve keeping up with the readings, participating in class discussion, and writing a paper on an individual topic of interest chosen in consultation with the instructor. Linguistics Elective.
ANTH 4591-002 | Majors Seminar: Fakes and Fictions
W 3:30-6:00
Eve Danziger
Fayerweather Hall room 206.
The capacity for abstract representation – making one thing stand for another – is essential to human language. But this capacity also makes us vulnerable to false representations. This class explores various types of fakes and fictions across cultures and history. Fulfills an elective for the Linguistics BA. Fulfills the College second writing requirement.
ANTH 5541 | Theory and Practice of Language Documentation
MW 3:30-4:45
Lise Dobrin
There is more involved in “learning a language” than acquiring knowledge of its grammatical structures; one also becomes an appropriate and skillful user of language as one is socialized, through communicative encounters with others, into becoming a competent member of a speech community. This course explores the topic of language socialization to reveal how language use at every level—from sound patterns to lexical choices to conversational routines—can contribute to learners’ understandings of what speech is and how it functions. At the same time, socializing encounters shape learners’ understandings of who they are and how they should act or feel, thereby serving as a locus for the transmission of culture. Readings will be drawn from diverse settings and regions of the world. Special attention will be given to language shift and other situations of social change and disjuncture. Course work will involve keeping up with the readings, participating in class discussion, and writing a paper on an individual topic of interest chosen in consultation with the instructor. Linguistics Elective.
EDHS 4030 | Speech and Hearing Science
TR 5:00pm - 6:15pm
Filip Loncke
The course examines principal concepts and procedures for the study of physiologic, perceptual and acoustic aspects of voice, speech and hearing. The course leads the student into the fascinating world of new applications in daily life, in business, and especially in education and clinical work.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to (1) Explain the nature and propagation of sound in terms of its quantifiable parameters, types, and visual representations, (2) Describe the acoustics of vocal registers, vowels, consonants, and supra-segmentals in normal speech production, (3) Explain the psychoacoustics of normal auditory sensitivity and differential sensitivity, (4) Identify the acoustic cues sufficient and necessary for the perception of speech, and (5) Measure and determine acoustic characteristics as expression of gender, culture, and identity. Linguistics Elective.
EDHS 4030 | Speech and Hearing Science
TR 5:00-6:15
Filip Loncke
The course examines principal concepts and procedures for the study of physiologic, perceptual and acoustic aspects of voice, speech and hearing. The course leads the student into the fascinating world of new applications in daily life, in business, and especially in education and clinical work.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to (1) Explain the nature and propagation of sound in terms of its quantifiable parameters, types, and visual representations, (2) Describe the acoustics of vocal registers, vowels, consonants, and supra-segmentals in normal speech production, (3) Explain the psychoacoustics of normal auditory sensitivity and differential sensitivity, (4) Identify the acoustic cues sufficient and necessary for the perception of speech, and (5) Measure and determine acoustic characteristics as expression of gender, culture, and identity. Linguistics Elective.
ENGL 3025 | African American English
TR 11-12:15
Connie Smith
This course examines the communicative practices of African American Vernacular English (AAEV) to explore how a marginalized language dynamic has made major transitions into American mainstream discourse. AAEV is no longer solely the informal speech of many African Americans; it is the way Americans speak. Linguistics Elective.
ENGL 5510 | Old Norse Language and Literature
TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am
Stephen Hopkins
This course provides an introduction to the language and literature of medieval Iceland (also called Old Norse or Old Icelandic, roughly 800-1400 CE), and the goal is to arrive at a sound reading knowledge of the Old Norse language. Drawing upon Byock’s textbook, Viking Language, the first half of the semester focuses on internalizing the basics of Old Norse grammar and vocabulary. While acquiring these rudimentary linguistic skills, we will practice translating bits of prose and poetry (The Prose Edda, Egils Saga, et al.) as supplied in the textbook. After midterms, we will translate The Tale of Thorsteinn Staff-Struck. The course will also include secondary readings to orient us towards Old Norse genres, contexts, and critical/theoretical approaches prevalent in the field today, with an emphasis on the history of the conversion and the importation of writing technologies (i.e., basic paleography).
FREN 3030 | French Phonetics
TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am
Cécile Rey
Reviews pronunciation, phonetics, and phonology for undergraduates. Prerequisite: FREN 2020 or equivalent.. Linguistics Elective.
LING 2430| Languages of the World
TR 5:00-5:50 + obilgatory discussion section
Armik Mirzayan
An introduction to the study of language relationships and linguistic structures. Topics covered the basic elements of grammatical description; genetic, areal, and typological relationships among languages; a survey of the world's major language groupings and the notable structures and grammatical categories they exhibit; and the issue of language endangerment. Linguistics Elective. Prerequisite: One year of a foreign language or permission of instructor. Fulfills Cognitive Science Linguistics Area requirement.
LING 3090/5090 | TESOL Theory and Method
TR 2:00-3:15
Janay Crabtree
This course provides an introduction to theories of second language acquisition (SLA), as well as methods and materials for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), particularly adult language learners. Students will be required to investigate current issues in the field of TESOL and SLA to then extend and apply the knowledge to language learning observations and/or volunteer tutoring experiences. Demonstration of mastery of teaching methodology will be through development of materials or a learning tool for language learners dictated by student goals and interests. Students will be required to present this tool or course material in class. Recommended pre-/co-requisite: LNGS 3250 & LING 3400. These courses are not required, but they are recommended for students to have requisite background knowledge. Counts three credits toward the TESOL Certificate. Linguistics Elective.
LING 3101/5101 | ESL Teaching Practicum: Language
F 3:00-3:50
Janay Crabtree
Through this 1-credit course, students focus on the topic of language in an L2, while gaining experience in the practice of English-language teaching to international students, faculty, and staff at the University. This experience is an excellent opportunity to gain teaching experience under the supervision of an experienced mentor. For every 1 hour of credit, students must meet with an instructor for 5 classroom & practice 33 hours.
LING 3102/5102 | ESL Teaching Practicum: Culture
F 4:00-4:50
Janay Crabtree
Through this 1-credit course, students focus on the topic of culture in ESL, while gaining experience in the practice of English-language teaching to international students, faculty, and staff at the University. This experience is an excellent opportunity to gain teaching experience under the supervision of an experienced mentor. For every 1 hour of credit, students must meet with an instructor for 5 classroom & practice 33 hours.
LING 3103/5103 | ESL Teaching Practicum: Writing
F 5:00-5:50
Janay Crabtree
Through this 1-credit course, students focus on the topic of writing in an L2, while gaining experience in the practice of English-language teaching to international students, faculty, and staff at the University. This experience is an excellent opportunity to gain teaching experience under the supervision of an experienced mentor. For every 1 hour of credit, students must meet with an instructor for 5 classroom & practice 33 hours.
LING 5401 | Linguistic Field Methods
W 5:00-7:30
Investigates the grammatical structure of non-European language on the basis of data collected in class from a native speaker. A different language is the focus of study each year. Fulfills Structure Requirement for Linguistics MA and BA.
LING 5409 | Acoustic Phonetics
TR 11:00-12:15
Armik Mirzayan
To acquire a good understanding of speech sounds, we must understand how speech sounds are produced, the physical nature of the sounds, and how the ear and brain work to recognize sounds as carriers of meaning distinguishing units in speech. In this course we investigate these processes by focusing on three broad questions: (1) How do we produce speech in communication? (2) How do we perceive speech in communication? and (3) How does the nature of these processes influence the sound patterns of languages in the world? In the process of doing so will also be learning experimental and analytical techniques that enable us to carefully investigate these (and other related) questions. Linguistics Elective.
LNGS 3260/7020 | Introduction to Comparative-Historical Linguistics
MW 2:00-3:15
Mark Elson
An introduction to the nature and causation of variation in linguistic systems over time, with attention to the comparative and internal reconstruction of systems no longer attested but assumed to have existed. Prerequisite LNGS 3250/7010 or Instructor Permission. Fulfills the Historical requirement for Linguistics majors/minors and graduate students.
PSYC 4110 | Psycholinguistics
M 3:30-6:00
Filip Loncke
This seminar focuses on the psychological processes that underlie the acquisition and the use of language. There is an emphasis on the interaction between linguistic skills and other cognitive skills. The course also looks at flexibility of language and language use, and the influence of psycholinguistic processes on reading and writing, the social use of language, and language in other modalities. There will be a focus on learnability and teachability issues. Linguistics Elective
RUSS 3050 | Russian Declension and Conjugation
MW 8:30 - 9:45am
Mark Elson
Examines the sound system, lexicon, and word formative processes of the Russian literary language. Prerequisite: RUSS 1020. Fulfills the Structure requirement for Linguistics Majors/Minors.
SPAN 3000 | Spanish Phonetics
TR 3:30pm - 4:45pm
Joel Rini
Spanish Phonetics provides an introduction to the sound system of both Peninsular and Latin American Spanish. Class discussions focus on how the sounds of Spanish are produced from an articulatory point of view, and how these sounds are organized and represented in the linguistic competence of their speakers. When appropriate, comparisons will be made between Spanish and English or Spanish and other (Romance and non-Romance) languages. This course seeks to improve the student’s pronunciation. Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 or equivalent. Conducted in Spanish. Linguistics Elective.
SPAN 3200 | Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
TR 5:00-6:15
Lorena Albert Ferrando
This course provides an introduction to core areas of linguistic analysis using Spanish. Areas covered include sounds of Spanish (phonetics & phonology), word formation (morphology), sentence structure (syntax), meaning of words, phrases, sentences, & larger chunks of discourse, also in social context (semantics & pragmatics), history of the Spanish language, regional & social variation (dialectology & sociolinguistics), & language acquisition. Linguistics Elective.
SPAN 4203 | History of the Spanish Language II
MW 3:30pm - 4:45pm
Omar Velázquez-Mendoza
The course examines the development of the Spanish language through texts produced from the Middle Ages to the present day. The main goal will be the interpretation of individual texts as a source of linguistic data and the analysis of language in its cultural, social and historical context. Including texts from Latin American and Spain, the commentary will cover the analysis of phonological, grammatical and lexical aspects. Prerequisites: SPAN 3000 or SPAN 3200. Linguistics Elective
SPAN 4530 | Special Topics Seminar: Untaming Spanish: Language, Power, and Identity
TR 3:30-4:45
Lorena Albert Ferrando
The goal of this course is to critically examine how language and systemic power relations are co-naturalized and how this linkage is constructed, manifested, and underpinned in our everyday language use and identity, as well as in our perception of other groups and speakers. We will focus on Spanish language environments (and in the US in particular) but the contents of the course are applicable to other languages and settings Conducted in Spanish. Linguistics Elective.
SPAN 7220 | History of the Spanish Language
MW 2:00-3:15
Omar Velázquez-Mendoza
This course traces the historical development of the Spanish language (mainly) from its origins as a spoken Latin variety to the present. Topics include: The relationship between language change and language variation; the Indo-European language family; Romanization of the Iberian Peninsula; Classical vs. 'Vulgar' Latin; influence from Germanic and Arabic on the Spanish language; Latin and Medieval Spanish word order; Latin/Romance Diglossia during the High Middle Ages; Expressions of possession in Medieval Spanish; Direct object marking in Old Spanish; New World Spanish. No previous coursework in linguistics is required. Conducted in Spanish. Fulfills Linguistics Historical Requirement.
Fall 2024
ANTH 2400 Language and Culture
TR 2:00-2:50 + obligatory discussion section
Nathan Wendte
The ways in which humans use and evaluate language are deeply ingrained in who we are and how we see the world both individually and collectively. This course introduces students to the study of language, culture, and society. No prior knowledge is assumed—we will consider topics such as how linguists analyze language data, how anthropologists link language and thought, how language is performed and received, and how our identities are reflected in and altered by linguistic behavior. Come curious! Linguistics Elective. Satisfies the College Non-Western perspectives requirement. Fulfills Cognitive Science Linguistics Area requirement.
ANTH 2410 Sociolinguistics
TR 11:00-12:15
Daniel Lefkowitz
Reviews key findings in the study of language variation. Explores the use of language to express identity and social difference. No background in linguistics is presupposed. Linguistics Elective.
ANTH 3450/7450 Native American Languages
TR 12:30-1:45
Armik Mirzayan
Introduces the native languages of North America and the methods that linguists and anthropologists use to record and analyze them. Examines the use of grammars, texts and dictionaries of individual languages and affords insight into the diversity among the languages. Satisfies the College Non-Western perspectives requirement. Fulfills Structure requirement for Linguistics.
ANTH 3490 Language and Thought
WF 10:00-10:50 + obligatory discussion section
Eve Danziger
There is almost always more than one way to think about any problem. But could speaking a particular language make some strategies and solutions seem more natural than others to individuals? Can we learn about alternative ways of approaching the external world by studying other languages? The classic proposal of linguistic relativity as enunciated by Benjamin Lee Whorf is examined in the light of recent cross-cultural psycholinguistic research. The class fulfills the Linguistics requirement for Anthropology majors, the Linguistics requirement for Cognitive Science majors, and the Theory requirement for Linguistics majors.
ANTH 3541/7541 Topics in Linguistics: Language Change
TR 9:30-10:45
Nathan Wendte
Along the span of history and across the globe, the one constant of human language is change. This course introduces the study and analysis of language change over time in a variety of domains and contexts. Students will learn how to identify and decode processes and results of historical language change and apply these skills to analyze data bearing on relationships and contacts between different languages and their speakers. This course fulfills the Historical requirement for Linguistics majors and counts as a Linguistics requirement for Cognitive Science majors.
ANTH 5470 Language and Identity
T 4:00-6:30
Nathan Wendte
In anthropology, where identity has become a central concern, language is seen as an important site for the construction of, and negotiation over social identities. In linguistics, reference to categories of social identity helps to explain language structure and change. This seminar explores the overlap between these converging trends by focusing on the notion of discourse as a nexus of cultural and linguistic processes. Instructor Consent required. Linguistics Elective.
ANTH 5475 Multimodal Interaction
TR 11:00-12:15
Mark Sicoli
Students build knowledge and practice of analysis of peoples' joint-engagement in embodied interactions. How does action weave together multiple sensory modalities into semiotic webs linking interactions with more durative institutions of social life? Course includes workshops on video recording, and the transcription and coding of verbal and non-verbal actions. Prior coursework in Linguistics, Anthropology or instructor permission recommended. Instructor Consent required. Linguistics Elective.
ANTH 7400 Linguistic Anthropology
MW 2:00-3:15
Lise Dobrin
An advanced introduction to the study of language from an anthropological point of view. No prior coursework in linguistics is expected, but the course is aimed at graduate students who will use what they learn in their own anthropologically-oriented research. Topics include an introduction to such basic concepts in linguistic anthropology as language in world-view, the nature of symbolic meaning, language and nationalism, universals and particulars in language, language in history and prehistory, the ethnography of speaking, the nature of everyday conversation, and the study of poetic language. The course is required for all Anthropology graduate students. It also counts toward the Theory requirement for Linguistics.
ASL 3450 Comparative Linguistics: ASL and English
TR 3:30-4:45
To Be Announced
Describes spoken English and ASL (American Sign Language) on five levels: phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactic, and discourse and compares/contrasts them using real-world examples. Describes major linguistic components and processes of English and ASL. Introduces basic theories regarding ASL structure. Emphasizes ASL's status as a natural language by comparing/contrasting similarities and unique differences between the two languages. Fulfills Structure requirement for Linguistics.
CLAS 3300/5300 Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics
MWF 2:00-2:50
Coulter George
Languages as superficially different as English, Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit in fact all developed from a single "proto-language," called Proto-Indo-European. This course will explore the following questions: What was this proto-language like? How do we know what it was like? By what processes did it develop into the various daughter languages? How can we trace words as diverse as wit, idea, video, and Veda back to a common source? This course fulfills the Historical requirement for Linguistics majors
EDHS 4300/LING 7300 Psycholinguistics & Communication
TR 5:00-6:15
Filip Loncke
This course focuses on the psychological processes that underlie the acquisition and the use of language. There is an emphasis on the interaction between linguistic skills and other cognitive skills. Topics include learnability, microgenesis of speech, bilingualism and variation, and a psycholinguistic approach to breakdowns (i.e., language pathology). Linguistics Elective.
EDHS 4310 Exploring Linguistic Diversity
M 3:30-6:00
Filip Loncke
Students in this course will explore language variation within and between languages. The course will use the students’ personal experience and perceptions as a starting point to interpret and understand theories. The course will introduce central concepts such as language contact, language dominance, language policies, creolization, bilingualism, language diversification, language dispersal, dialect, idiolect, and sociolect. Most importantly the course will lead the students to identify and observe these dynamic linguistic forces in their own environment, in their communities, and in the wider world. The course will include a focus on policies that can influence linguistic variation. Linguistics Elective
EDIS 7840 Discourse Analysis in Education
Th 3:30-6:00
Chris Chang-Bacon
This course provides an introduction to discourse analysis theory and methodology as they relate to classrooms and other educational settings. Readings will provide an overview of discourse analysis approaches used in educational research, with a particular focus on micro-ethnographic and conversation-analytic approaches. Fieldwork and hands-on analysis of discourse will form a significant portion of the course. Linguistics Elective
LING 2430 Languages of the World
TR 4:00-4:50 + obligatory discussion section
Armik Mirzayan
An introduction to the study of language relationships and linguistic structures. Topics covered the basic elements of grammatical description; genetic, areal, and typological relationships among languages; a survey of the world's major language groupings and the notable structures and grammatical categories they exhibit; and the issue of language endangerment. Prerequisite: One year of a foreign language or permission of instructor. Linguistics Elective
LING 3400/7400 Structure of English
MW 1:00-1:50 + obligatory discussion section
Janay Crabtree
In this community engaged course, UVA students work online with Virginia high school students while learning about descriptive grammar and methods of reasoning about linguistic structure. Students will analyze problem sets and data of world languages to compare and contrast to English language structures. This course covers units of sound and phonemic transcriptions, word building/morphology and inflectional forms, lexical categories, basic sentence types, common phrase and clause patterns, and syntactic transformations. In exploring structures, students (in groups) will take one aspect of English and research a question for a presentation geared toward VA high-school students who may never have heard about linguistics. These research explorations include structure of English phonology, morphology, and syntax, with a focus on structural analysis and use of evidence. Students must be available one Saturday in November to participate in a community-engaged activity with high school students as well as work in research groups and present as a group on that Saturday. This course fulfills the structure requirement for Linguistics majors and graduate students and the Ling 3400 requirement for the TESOL Certificate. Fulfills Structure requirement for Linguistics.
LING 5410 Phonology
W 5:00-7:30
Armik Mirzayan
An introduction to the theory and analysis of linguistic sound systems. Covers the essential units of speech sound that lexical and grammatical elements are composed of, how those units are organized at multiple levels of representation, and the principles governing the relation between levels. Fulfills Theory Requirement for Linguistics.
LNGS 2240/7240 Southern American English
MW 8:30-9:45
Mark Elson
An examination of the structure, history, and sociolinguistics of the English spoken in the southeastern United States. Linguistics Elective.
LNGS 3250/7010 Introduction to Linguistic Theory and Analysis
MWF 11:00-11:50
Mark Elson
Introduces sign systems, language as a sign system, and approaches to linguistics description. Emphasizes the application of descriptive techniques to data.
SPAN 3200 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
TR 5:00-6:15
Joel Rini
This course provides an introduction to core areas of linguistic analysis using Spanish. Areas covered include sounds of Spanish (phonetics & phonology), word formation (morphology), sentence structure (syntax), meaning of words, phrases, sentences, & larger chunks of discourse, also in social context (semantics & pragmatics), history of the Spanish language, regional & social variation (dialectology & sociolinguistics), & language acquisition. Instructor Consent required. Linguistics Elective.
SPAN 4200 History of the Language
TR 3:30-4:45
Joel Rini
The main objectives of the course are: (1) to offer the student an introduction to the development of Spanish, focusing on the major changes from Latin to Spanish through the study of historical grammar; (2) to explain the irregularities of Modern Spanish grammar; (3) to facilitate the reading Old Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 3200 and 3010, or 3000 and 3010, or departmental placement. Instructor Consent required. Fulfills the Historical requirement for Linguistics majors.
SPAN 4202 Hispanic Sociolinguistics
MW 3:30-4:45
Omar Velasquez Mendoza
This course examines the Spanish language within its social context by exploring—among others—the following topics: 1) language versus dialect; 2) the standard language; 3) linguistic variation and its main variables: geography, style, gender, age, etc.; 4) language acquisition as a social process; 5) language variation and language change. Taught in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 3200 and 3010, or SPAN 3000 and SPAN 3010, or departmental placement. Instructor Consent required. Linguistics Elective.
SPAN 4530 Special Topics Seminar: Untaming Spanish: Language, Power, and Identity
MW 2:00-3:15
Lorena Albert Ferrando
The goal of this course is to critically examine how language and systemic power relations are co-naturalized and how this linkage is constructed, manifested, and underpinned in our everyday language use and identity, as well as in our perception of other groups and speakers. We will focus on Spanish language environments (and in the US in particular) but the contents of the course are applicable to other languages and settings. Conducted in Spanish. Linguistics Elective.