Program Director

Associate Professor, Anthropology (Ph.D. University of Michigan, 2007)
Multimodal interaction, prosody, gesture, community-engaged language documentation and revitalization, language in human evolution, computational phylogenetics, language contact, historical linguistics, Zapotec (Otomanguean), Nottoway (Iroquoian).
Director of Undergraduate Program

Visiting Assistant Professor, Linguistics (PhD, Tulane University, 2020)
Ethnolinguistic identity, language contact, language shift, language revitalization, French in the Americas, French-lexifier creoles, Indigenous languages of the Americas.

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Curriculum, Instruction & Special Education, School of Education & Human Development (Ph.D. Boston College, 2019).
Equity in multilingual and multicultural contexts, educational policy, ESL, dual-language, bilingual education, critical literacy and anti-racist pedagogies in teacher education.

Instructor, Center for American English Language & Culture (Ph.D. University of Georgia, 2010)
Second language acquisition, English as a second language, perception of non-native speakers and speech, adaptation to accented and non-native speech, interaction of native and non-native speakers, particularly in institutional venues.

Professor, Anthropology (Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, 1991)
Verb argument structure, semantic typology, language and cognition, anthropological linguistics, child language and cultural socialization, ideologies of symbolic representation, Mayan linguistics, spontaneous sign languages.

Professor, Anthropology (Ph.D. University of Chicago, 1999)
Phonology, morphology, anthropological linguistics, ethnopoetics, language shift, language documentation and description, Arapesh language and culture (Papua New Guinea).

Professor, Slavic Languages and Literatures (Ph.D. Harvard University, 1973)
Linguistic theory, morphology, historical linguistics, Slavic and Balkan linguistics.

Assistant Professor, Spanish, Italian & Portuguese (Ph.D. University of Valladolid, 2023)
Philology, linguistics, and historiography in Spain and in the Americas, language ideologies, language use, power, knowledge, race, racism, and privilege.

Professor, Classics (Ph.D. University of Cambridge, 2002)
Greek and Indo-European linguistics, diachronic syntax and pragmatics.

Assistant Professor, English (Ph.D. Indiana University, 2019)
Early English literature, religious texts, manuscript studies, textual transmission, the interaction of oral/formulaic culture with scribal/literate culture, global perspectives on literary texts.

Professor, Psychology (Ph.D. Stanford University, 2003)
Early word learning, pragmatics, cognitive development, communication and parent-child interactions in autism, cognitive development.

Associate Professor of English and ASL (Ph.D University of Virginia, 2002)
Deaf Studies; language acquisition; American Sign Language linguistics and storytelling.

Associate Professor, Anthropology and Middle East and South Asian Languages and Cultures (Ph.D. University of Texas, Austin, 1995)
Language and culture, language and identity, language and emotion, sociolinguistics, semiotics, Semitic languages, intonation, discourse analysis.

Professor, Curry School of Education and Psychology (Ph.D. University of Brussels, 1990)
Atypical communication, speech science, internal phonology, sentence processing, augmentative and alternative communication.

Assistant Professor, Psychology (Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 2005)
Development of auditory perception of vocalizations in animal models, neural plasticity, dynamical systems.

Assistant Professor, Linguistics (Ph.D. University of Colorado, Boulder, 2010)
Phonetics, phonology, typology, linguistic field methods, language documentation and language community building, Indigenous Languages of the Americas (Siouan and Caddoan Languages).

Professor, Spanish (Ph.D. University of Michigan, 1987)
Medieval Spanish language and diachronic linguistics, historical Spanish syntax, Ibero-Romance morphosyntax, morphophonology, phonology.

Assistant Professor, Curry School of Education Curriculum & Instruction (Ph.D. University of Virginia, 2014)
Classroom discourse, multilingual learners, language teacher education.

Assistant Dean and Assistant Professor (Ph.D. Howard University)
Communication/Rhetoric, Culture, & Women’s Studies.

Associate Professor, Spanish (Ph.D. University of California, Davis, 2010)
Historical Spanish sociolinguistics, diachronic and synchronic Spanish morphosyntax, linguistic variation in Late Latin/Early Romance, development of advanced literacy in first and second languages, systemic functional linguistics.
Emeritus Faculty

Emeritus, Assistant Dean of the College and Associate Professor, Psychology (Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh, 1990)
Sentence processing, reading, language comprehension.

Professor, English (Ph.D. Yale University, 1978)
Old English language and literature, Germanic linguistics, history of the English language.

Emeritus, Psychology (Ph.D. Stanford University, 1974)
Child language acquisition, child development, sign languages, cognitive processes, psycholinguistics, deafness, child autism.

Emeritus, Anthropology (Ph.D. Columbia University, 1983)
Discourse, pragmatics, cognitive and functional linguistics, theories of grammar, tense-aspect-modality, noun categorization, Bantu languages, Swahili, noun classifiers and determiners in Mopan Maya.

Emeritus, Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures (Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, 1973)
Typological and historical linguistics, Indo-Aryan languages, linguistics and literature.

Emeritus, French (Ph.D. University of Michigan)
French phonetics and phonology, history of the French language, Romance dialectology, French applied linguistics, contact linguistics.